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Audio Provided by Bill Shaw
If you are using a screenreader you will find a text only version if you scroll to the bottom of the page.
Prayers prayed:
Lord the bogyman is here again
Stealing away our rest
Haunting our dreams
Playing with our fears
In the wee small hours
When our monsters stalk the corridors of our minds
Wading through the backwaters of our day
And our pain, anxiety and worries run riot
When our medication is not working
When the only voice we hear
Is the echo of our own doubt
Laughing at our fragile faith
Shaking the foundations of our belief
Wake from your sleep at the back of the boat dear Jesus
And calm the waters, quell the storm that engulfs us
Bring your calm, your peace, your rest.
When our feeble faith deserts us
And fear runs amuck
Lend us yours
We know that will be enough
As it has been so many times before
Let nothing cause us to fear
To send us running
Let no concern overwhelm us
Let all pain be dulled
All nerves be calm
Take us gently back in to sleep
Watching over us till dawn’s light
As we click the AMEN button
Let us watch others do the same
And know we are not alone
Somewhere in the night
Another calls your name